Monday, June 26, 2006

rules; laws; members only

There are two things you can count on from women (2 rules girls follow; aka the GT rules):

1) Girls talk
2) Girls are territorial

...these were both originally brought to my attention a couple of several years ago by a group of young men that I had the pleasure to reside with (shout out to prologue; 14 flag rd). The rules made sense, at first, and actually allowed many other things in my life to make sense as well. They have also been proven over and over and over again.

Just recently, some of us were hanging out at The Tavern. We were enjoying each other's company and a few drinks. We had one waitress, Paige, and the other waitress, Bethany, had every other table on the deck. It wasn't necessarily that Bethany was better looking than Paige but more that she was just better; she was involved with her customers, seemed to care, efficient, and wasn't having a smoke break every 15 minutes. A couple of guys showed up later than us but joined us at our table and immediately flagged down Bethany. When Bethany brought them their drinks, Paige gave her, our two friends and us the look, but said everything was alright. Bethany came back a few minutes later only to tell the guys they had to transfer to our ticket. They declined and Bethany went along with but knew there would be trouble. She was right. We ended up closing out our tab with Paige (as a matter of principle) and joined the other guys with Bethany. Girls are territorial. Just be aware of the fact that girl's talk. Too much trouble may spawn from any other conversation on the matter.

Of course, women do not record their rules and reg's (but there may just be millions that all have memorized) like the men do in their Man Laws because, if for no other reason, that would make things a little easier on us guys.

Here are some we came up with that night at The Tavern:

*If there is a movie about/with pirates, man must see it.
*If a man is a beer drinker and watching sports with fellow beer drinkers, said man must drink.
*Man must buy his wingman drinks.
*If a man is at a sporting event and a player from the opposing team comes at him, he must get a cheap shot in(...assuming of course, the man is watching men in competition, if it is women he is watching, depending on the sport, man card violations must be taken into consideration)
*If a man's food is left unattended for 10 minutes, it becomes fair game.
*Should a man come across a woman in his Top 10 Ever, he must ask her out.

Disclaimers... and a PSA

I) The rules of the man card are not exactly clear to me (even if they were I could not relay them here). I may have had mine revoked a few times to be honest with you.

B) I am not at all claiming to know all there is to know about women. I am only claiming to know the 2 GT Rules.

3) The only reason I was allowed/able to reveal the man laws is because there is actually a website, open to all, that displays tens of thousands of them.

PSA: So whomever you are, male or female, and whatever you do, be careful out there.
...and men, Keep It Sacred.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

a little means so much

Last Friday, we were finishing up a week of soccer camp. At camp I worked with the 4-6 year olds the first half each day and moved to the older group for the rest of the time. On Friday, Parker(a 5 year old) ran up to me and handed me a card. I said,"Thanks Parker." He said I was welcome. I responded, "Can I open it now?" "Yes" So I did.

On the front of the card it shows a boy drawing with crayons on the wall "Thank you very, very, very much!" the inside reads "Just couldn't wait to tell you!"... Then in bright red marker I HAD FUN, ThANk You, PARKeR MOORe. Also inside the envelope was a dime size soccer ball bubble magnet.

I told him thank you and he went on his way(or the rest of the group's way, as they were warming up). After practice, his mother was asking some questions about Parker and what he can work on, etc. I told her what I knew and also thanked her for the card.
She said,"Oh, no that was all Parker, All week he has been like,"Mom, I want to give JD something, like a soccer ball", and I told him "Honey he probably has plenty of soccer balls". So when we saw the magnet he just had to get it; he even used his own money."

I thanked her for sharing and told her that it meant so much more. It did and does. Thank ~YOU~ Parker.