Friday, May 19, 2006

wonderfully beautiful

originally posted on 05/18/06 on myspace

What a wonderfully beautiful day!!

I spent part of it on town lake in a kayak amidst the serenity of nature, the warmth of the mid-day sun, and getting quite the workout. This is what made for the beautiful day. The use of the adverb, wonderful, was not made certain until this evening.

Tonight I went to a Round Rock Express (AAA baseball team for the Astros) game. What made it great was not my getting in free because someone had an extra box seat ticket; it wasn't the fact that the Express won 8-3; it wasn't the free pizza I won due to the row I was sitting in... it was because of a 5 1/2 year old boy named Brandon. It wasn't just Brandon himself, the stories he shared about hummingbirds, rainforests, the horrible smell of beer, it being past his bedtime, the game being his sister's first baseball game or the bats circling the lights to eat moths... it was the look on his face and how he lit up for the rest of the night after I gave him the foul ball I caught.(he even gave me a hug when they had to leave) A close second would have been his dad's reaction and reactions the rest of the night. And third would be the reaction of those around me. Making other people's day is what makes mine. That is who I am and who I want to be. What a feeling of sensational completeness...


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