Thursday, March 02, 2006

long day's journey into night and the days that followed

I began my journey on Thursday, February 23. My final destination was to be Newnan, GA. My means of travel, the Durango. What can I say? I love to drive; that's what I can say. (you can view memoirs of Durango for an elaborate recollection of such) I had chosen not to fly because of my love for the open road, by driving, I could also stop in and see my brother, and it would actually cost less after you add the rental car, etc. So you say why drive? I say why not?

I started my day with an oil change and a wait in line for some South by Southwest wristbands. I must admit I did have some anxiety about my time spent in line versus time on the road. Here is where I must recognize an individual, James. I do not know his last names or even most of the last names of those I usually attend church. This is the James from church that went to China. He allowed me, maybe disgruntled, to stand in line with him. On the inside, I believe this caused a right vs. wrong tug-of-war, which only speaks volumes about his character. The fact that I stayed in line there may speak volumes about mine, but that is another blog all together. All in all, this saved me much time and secured wristbands at the discounted price. I left from Central Austin at approximately 11a, continued onto Ruston, LA, where the oldest of my 4 younger brothers goes to school. (Louisiana Tech)

The drive was nice and uneventful but full of anticipation to see my brother in his element. I arrived around 5p. We went to dinner, spent time later playing cards, and even slept in on Friday. It was good while I was there to see where he has been and talk about where he wants to go. After lunch on Friday, I got back in the old Durango and got trucking. (12p/noon) It was a gorgeous day. (gorgeous is never a word to be used lightly) the temperature was perfect; the air just existed around you or you in it; the sky clear (and on a clear day you can see forever).

I just scooted along the rest of Louisiana, across Mississippi, through Ala-b... through Alab...

That's right, I didn't quite make it through Alabama. Who knew Tuscaloosa was Dixie for car trouble? And if someone did know and they are reading this, next time it is okay to prove your exemplary intelligence.

And I just realized I may not have answered all of your questions in my first paragraph. Of course, I answered the ones presented there but left out a key detail. Why go to Newnan, GA?
Well they were hosting the NSCAA National Goalkeeping Diploma course.(so for soccer)

The time was 5p. I was on an overpass at exit 73 on I-20. I felt this dragging or pulling. The vehicle wasn't achieving its full potential. Something was holding it back it seemed. Kept bending it until it broke. I pulled off to the side of the interstate. Not all the way really, but in between the on-ramp and the interstate. I thought it was a tire complication. I hopped out, took a look, found that I was way off. The truck was leaking fluid, bleeding out. I got back in, started her up and tried to pull her the rest of the way off the interstate(out of the triangle of peril), but there was nothing doing. I could change gears but nothing happened when I accelerated. I called AAA to to tow her to a shop. I made all my phone calls off away from the vehicle. I just envisioned an 18 wheeler not seeing my truck in time and punting her into oblivion. I didn't want to be in or around it when that happened. At this point, I didn't really care about my truck. I wanted/needed to get to my coaching course. My phone calls were to find a way there and to get my truck somewhere to get fixed.

Did anyone notice what time this happened? That's right 5p. Closing time. Well I found a Firestone that was open till 7p. The tow truck arrived around 6p and between then and 7p I worked, with the very much needed help of my mom and step-dad, to find a way to Newnan(near Atlanta). We came up with a number of options, that would have cost a variable of amounts or had me in Newnan at any hours of the night or next morning. I had to be in Newnan for the course at 9a, preferably well-rested. After realizing Tuscaloosa car rental shops were closed, looking at bus schedules, phoning a number of friends, and about an hour and a half later, the puzzle was solved. I took a taxi from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham, 50 miles and $75. The man was very friendly, but the cab smelled of port-a-potty water and he drove as if he was trying to escape the smell. At the Birmingham Airport, I rented a car, which I drove 130 miles from B-ham over into Eastern Time Zone and Newnan, GA.(12a/Midnight)

On Saturday, I awoke (8a) to rain. Not a drizzle or a half-hearted rain that is torn between falling or staying in the sky, but a hard, heavy rain. The temperature was in the 40's(F) and wouldn't stray too far from there all day. So as you know, perfect soccer weather. The way the course is arranged, we spent half of our time in the classroom reviewing, learning, and discussing. The other half is made of outdoor training models. Saturday wasn't exactly 50/50 but a solid 80/20 in favor of the classroom. That afternoon we entered the shallow end of one of the local swimming pools-- {what's that? It was a field? No way... Alright} okay I have just been informed that it was a soccer field that we played on Saturday afternoon. Now that I thinking about it, that would explain the mud. I went all out too, sliding all over the place, it was wet cold and to most... miserable, to me... it is best described as a time of enjoyment. Saturday night, I warmed up, did my 3 homework assignments, planned my practice and test session for Sunday. I went to sleep a little after 1a.

Sunday, 7a, I awoke to the sun shining just as hard as the rain had fallen the day before. As if they were fighting for the same girl and both had to present strong cases. However, someone forgot to tell the wind. So what's better than getting down and dirty doing goalkeeper drills for 4 hours? Getting down, dirty and wet and staying wet while the wind tickled you in 37 degree(F) weather. There was time for a quick lunch. Then we had our test session. This went much quicker and we were able to move more of it keeping us not warm, but warmer. Just so you know I was spot-on and nailed my session.

4:15p, the course concluded. I changed clothes, didn't think that Hertz would appreciate my not changing clothes. (however, a few of the individuals in the parking lot that day, and those driving by, might not have appreciate my changing clothes there and then) I started driving back to Birmingham where I suspected I would return the car, hop on a bus to Tusc-town, get a hotel and await the completion of the fixing of my truck. My mother called me while I was in route. She said that she had told my grandmother of my trials and Nana had told her we have family in Birmingham. I was supposed to call them once I dropped off the car.

He picked me up close to 7p. Andrew is my Grandmother's Cousin's Son. This was a bit tough to get my mind around at first. I also didn't know what to expect from this encounter. I come from a very large family. Since our family is so large the chance that unusual persons exist within it is greater. So far so good. It turns out one of his sons plays soccer. This gave us plenty to talk about. I did have to make some calls to the club to cancel practice or make other arrangements. At this point I knew I wouldn't be back by Monday evening at 5, but hoped to be back on Wednesday for practice. Meanwhile, Andrew and his family really took me in as one of their own. I couldn't have been more comfortable in such a stressful situation. It turned out we really had quite a bit in common. Soccer and tennis were very high on our list and we were both book and movie aficionados. My car was in Tusc-town to be repaired first thing Monday morning but I was being repaired already.

Monday 7:15a, when they said first thing Monday morning they actually meant it. Who knew?
Turns out they planned to take it up the road for their transmission specialist to have a look. By late morning, I knew I figured I would be around another day. Andrew took a long lunch in order to play tennis with me. (of course I had all my tennis stuff in my truck but that was in tusc-town, so I borrowed a racket but ended up having to play in my indoor soccer shoes) I am not sure if it was so he could play with me or so I could play with him. It was very enjoyable, though he did win, Big. After tennis, I got back to the house...It was a beautiful house. Beautiful like the name of their only daughter, Amanda Claire Grayson. Had a very Southern, Historically Grand look on the outside and a modern look in doors. Wonderful. Anways, I got back to the house in time to go to the high school for Jonathan's soccer practice. I wanted to check out a high school practice. The idea that high school soccer is killing the sport was only further proven. Besides that, I had a great time. It was really cool for Jonathan that I was there, which of course made it really cool to me. After practice, I called the shop again, they told me it was for sure the gear box and maybe some transmission work. They would call me in the morning(Tuesday morning) to give me the estimates. So I was indeed in B-ham for one more night.

First thing in the morning, didn't mean the same thing. I called to check in. You must understand though I was well taking care of, I needed to get back to Austin. My girls could not go into the first game of the spring season this weekend after taking the whole week off.
So I called them. The shop said they were waiting to hear back from the other place. They agreed to call me and let me know when they knew. I decided to eat some breakfast, pack, write my thank you note, and getting ready to leave. Close to lunch, I got the call. The whole time he was talking to me, those few sentences before saying the actually price, I was preparing myself. I thought to myself large amounts of money so that when it was less I could say sure thing, have at it. Well, I was thinking 1,000, and thought that was pretty extreme. Trey said twenty-seven-hundred-seventy-five dollars, that's 2,775. That's over well over my guesstimation. That's almost the total worth of the vehicle. That sucks. As with all trying news in my life, I let my mother know. I also solicited her help once again. After much deliberation, she and her husband decided they would drive from Little Rock in his truck with hers on a u-haul car trailer, give me her car so I could get back in anticipation that I will eventually buy this car from them, and they were to drive back in his truck pulling mine. Turns out, my truck was too heavy. So they both were to both drive. Then my truck would be hauled up to Little Rock by a car moving company. I was going to have to buy a new or used car anyways, so why not buy one that is in excellent condition, from someone I know. So their plan made sense. Once I knew this and knew it would be one more day I contacted the club again and made arrangements for the club director to take my teams for Wednesday.

A little after noon on Tuesday, Pam (Andrew's wife), became the vice-president in charge of cheering me up. She took me to lunch and spent the early afternoon with me. Like I said before, I was in good hands. She then had some errands to run so I had her drop me at Barnes & Noble(Heaven for a book aficionado). An hour and a half later, she picked me up. I was then able to go to Jonathan's soccer game. Turns out this meant an awful lot to Andrew, which in turn meant a lot to me. Following the game, we returned home to enjoy each other's company. We all knew(though we had thought it twice already) this, Tuesday evening, would be our last one together. My parents got in around 1a and would call me when they were up and going.

They did and were over at the house by 10a. We visited a little, said our goodbyes, and were on our way by 10:30a. Around 11:30a, we got to Firestone. I got all of my stuff out of the Durango, visited a little, said my goodbyes, and we were on our way. My parents decided to travel along I-20 for a bit and then cut up. This gave my mother and I a chance to visit a little longer. In Jackson, MS, we parted ways. I got back to Austin at 12a/Midnight, safely, without trial.


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