Tuesday, January 31, 2006

hopeless romantic

...i am just that.

Wilco - Wishful Thinking Lyrics

Fill up your mind with all it can know
Don't forget that your body will let it all go
Fill up your mind with all it can know
What would we be without wishful thinking
Chambers of chains
With red plastic mouths
The inside of outside
No one has found
How to unring the bell
It's just as well
The turntable sizzles
Casting the spells
The pressure devices
Hell in a nutshell
Is any song worth singing
If it doesn't help
Fill up your mind with all it can know
Don't forget that your body will let it all go
Fill up your mind with all it can know
'Cause what would love be without wishful thinking
Open your arms as far as they will go
We take off your dress
An embarrassing poem
Was written when I was alone
In love with you
I shook down those lines
To shine up the streets
I got up off my hands and knees
To thank my lucky stars that you're not me
What would we be without wishful thinking
What would we be without wishful thinking
What would we be without wishful thinking

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Moving on up...

James Taylor once sang "The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time". Well I think a secret to the improvement of this enjoyment is "You can get away with almost anything as long as you look like you know what you are doing".

...and who wouldn't rather ENJOY that time from the 9th row instead of the nosebleed's. We did this today, made the move, and we did enjoy the passage of time. Within this blog, I have presented a "How to". With careful consideration anyone can be on their way to capitalizing on this former secret.

Some ground rules:
*Be Confident
*Have a plan
-Know where you are going
*There is no fight club.

Before: (prep-work)
*Know the building. You will need know how to get where you want to go.
*Scout out areas that are open. Know which seats are available. Keep a watch on those seats; some will fill and empty time to time.
*Make a plan to get there.
*Have a leader/captain and a couple of playmakers who can come through in the clutch.
-i.e. I guided our group through our ordeal at the SBC center today. Self-appointed b/c I had been in a similar situation before. As I glided past one of the ticket checkers(the very one leading down the stairwell into the Premiere section), the group was almost held up. Chelsea, who was right behind me, was asked to show her ticket. She said since her hands were full the lady could garb her ticket from her back pocket if she needed. Naturally, she declined. The rest of the group passed. (This is a good time to point out that today's mission was pulled off with not only a record number 6 individuals but 5 rookies)

During: (the deed)
*Be preoccupied and glide.
-Have your hands full.
^Snacks or drinks are always a good idea. You can even pick them up on the way down.
^You can also have more important things occupying your hands...like a baby
(Notice: This, however, must come with you to the game and should be in your legal custody. It is NOT something to be picked up at the game.)
-Carry on a conversation. This can be with a friend or a passer-by. As a last resort you could even use a cell phone. I say "last" because why would walk back into the noise on the phone?"

After: (once the eagle has landed)
*Establish yourself.
-Don't be afraid to leave and come back. On your way out make sure you are noticed by the attendant so that you will be remembered and not need a ticket for re-entry.
^This can be done with eye contact, a nod or a number of other simple gestures.
*Enjoy the game from your new seats.

Just be confident and things will happen.
Look like you know what you are doing.
Most of all...don't forget to have fun.
It is all about the enjoyment of the passage of time.(Thanks JT)
